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Zhejiang Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Technician

Founded in 1978, Zhejiang Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Technician is a provincial state-level key technical college mainly training high-skilled personnel. It is also a national demonstration college for the reform and development of secondary vocational education, and one of the first 30 elite colleges in Zhejiang Province.

Adhering to the school-running philosophy of “high-end guidance, school-enterprise integration, diversified education and connotative development”, the institute takes the lead in developing the cooperative school-running mode with South Korea and Germany, and explores the talent training mode of “building the majors on the industrial chain and running the college in the development zone” with mixed ownership. At present, the institute has more than 5,300 students, 18 main majors, 12 provincial demonstration, brand and characteristic majors, two national practical training bases, eight provincial practical training bases, three municipal practical training bases and one national vocational skill appraisal institute. With 3-year education (for intermediate workers), 5-year education (for senior workers with college degree) and 6-year education (for technicians with bachelor degree), the institute is known as the “cradle of high-skilled talents”.

The institute has successively won the honors of “national training base for high-skilled personnel”, “national practical training base for CNC technology application”, “national advanced unit of vocational core competence certification”, “national advanced collective for vocational education and staff training”,“national demonstration college for the integration of industry and education in e-commerce” and “special college for national defense education of the Ministry of education”.

Contact information

Tel: 0579-85411867 (Office) 0579-85411668 (Admission Office)

Fax: 0579-85411731

E-mail: jdjx@live.cn

Website: http://www.jdjsxy.cn

Address: No. 60, Chengbei Road, Yiwu, Zhejian

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Tel:0571-87830600 E-Mail: jdjt@zjmegroup.cn   浙ICP备14033092号
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